Curtis Baigent ︎ has an experimental, research-led art & design practice, working with uncertainty as a medium.


(︎︎︎currently) Artist, Design Innovation Director, Creative Director & Research Lead @ Forever — FutureDeluxe/Tendril.

(︎︎︎formerly) Creative Director @ ManvsMachine & f°am Studio  (Zeitguised).

(︎︎︎generally) from Wellington, New Zealand, living in London, UK [curtisbaigent @]










(8) Expressive Computer Vision w/ Fernando Magalhães & FutureDeluxe

What happens to the creative dynamic when the system is the Artist and us, the Curators?

A series of exploratory procedural systems
designed to let the computer artistically paint its own portraits and abstracts using source photography/3D scan data/video, interpreting them within a flattened  3d space.

With the ridiculously talented Fernando Magalhães we explored the design & curation of a range of systems which lets the computer artistically paint its own portraits and abstracts, interpreting them within 3d space.

︎ Creative Direction | Art Direction
Houdini Systems: Fernando Magalhães
Explorations @ FutureDeluxe